Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Do I expect you to become mouseless? No, but maybe you can learn to use the mouse less. The mouse is the perfect tool for some things, but often you can get something done faster using the keyboard. The next time the mouse falls of the desk into the wastebasket, leave it there and see how long you can work without it. Sure, there's a learning curve. For a given task you'll have to figure out how to use the keyboard instead, and then you'll have to remember those strange new tricks, but with repetition your new skills will become more natural and will provide a base for learning more keyboard tricks. It will take some work on your part, and of course not every task is appropriate for the keyboard, but keep at it; your patience will be rewarded.

Hello, World!

The idea is to share things that might be useful or interesting to others who work with technology in libraries. This could be library technologists or really any library staff, and could involve technology that's used in libraries or consumer technology that library staff should be aware of. Actually, I like to write--it's fun, and I learn more about a subject I'm writing about; if other people get something out of it then all the better.

My only previous web project of note was a personal web site in the mid-90's which included a guide to report writing in Geac ADVANCE. You can also find lots of posts from me about report writing in the archives of ADVANC-L and Dynix-l.

This is MouseLess--I hope you find something useful here.